Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Three Schemes - Cubism

In trying to create a building scheme for the Harvard Film Archive by using a cubist painting, "Glasses, paper, and a bottle of wine", where in the world do you begin?   I figured since I have all these Cubist models, I would take a section of the painting where one of the glasses and the newspaper are connected.  This would more or less be the diagramatic layout of my plan.  Then, by using the 3 dimensional qualities of the models, parts that stand and stick out more would be parts of hierarchy and higher elevation in the building.
After creating this first scheme, Im not quite sure how successful I think it is, even though it is mostly massing.  I feel that taking a section of the cubist painting and turning into a plan is not very crucial, or is it going anywhere positive.  Although, the ideas of elevation and hierarchy portrayed through my cubist models seem to be having a better effect of figuring out a practical scheme.

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