Monday, October 4, 2010

Machine Seeing Nothing

The machine itself is composed of several pieces of camera and binocular lenses, layered and glued together, and structured into a rectangular base, with a translucent top wall to see how the machine was constructed.  A s simple as the machine looks, it was extremely difficult to keep the pieces together, since i had to glue lenses together which wouldn't stick.  When looking through the machine, all the viewer sees is a distorted view of colors and shapes, except one other thing....

One other problem I was having with the machine was keeping the lenses clean.  When I thought I had successfully finished the machine, I mistakenly left a fingerprint on one of the lenses.  Now, instead of seeing nothing, you see distortion and a fingerprint that manages to focus your attention to.  After viewing this, I feel that this mistake could be part of the design, and the fingerprint can be viewed as another element in this view of nothingness.  

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